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The open URBANAGE platform provides a range of data-based visualisation tools and analytical services which make it easier to understand the complex interrelation between urban factors and expected impacts of potential changes on the population, especially older residents. This intelligence helps you make better evidence-based planning, operational decisions and longer term policy choices to create more liveable, accessible and inclusive age-friendly cities that work for all.

Improved Planning

Make planning decisions based on a unified view of urban situations with older people's real needs based on participatory data collection and predictive simulations

Better Citizen Experience

Act quickly and seamlessly on the real needs of older citizens, better interact with them and help people understand why certain planning or operational decisions have been made

Increased value for money

Experiment with different planning options online, exploring impacts by simulating various scenarios, rather than running multiple costly on-the-ground pilots



Age-Friendly Route Planner - helps citizens navigate the city via routes calculated on personal preferences


Older Adult Engagement Practices for Age-Friendly Cities - inclusive participatory process using engagements tools and methods suited for older adults, leveraging the potential of gamification techniques, as well as for civil servants, organised in the three pilot cities/region in order to address, not only the design of the URBANAGE Ecosystem but also the policy-related aspects resulting from URBANAGE


City Digital Twin for Age-Friendly Urban Planning - The URBANAGE Digital Twin is an extensible platform which allows modeling the city and its processes through a virtual replica


Age Friendliness Index & URBANAGE Age Friendly City Indicators Framework  - explore and compare the age-friendliness of neighbourhoods


Green Comfort Model - crowdsource information about the green comfort of spaces and simulate improvements

Lessons Learned for Urban Planning


Check out the most important lessons learned compiled by the URBANAGE consortium.

More Information


Platform Architecture

Make planning decisions based on a unified view of urban situations with older people's real needs based on participatory data collection and predictive simulations


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Digital Twins

Act quickly and seamlessly on the real needs of older citizens, better interact with them and help people understand why certain planning or operational decisions have been made


Find out more >

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