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Smart City expo world congress 2023

urbanage hosted its final event with more then 25,000 attendees across the sCEWC


congress details

Title: Welcome to the New Urban Era

Date: 7-9 November 2023

Audience: 134 countries,  800 cities, 577 speakers, 1,106 exhibitors, and 25,300 in-person attendees.

Location: Fira Europa, Barcelona, Spain

URBANAGE reached its zenith in a series of captivating events spread across the prestigious Smart City Expo World Congress. With an array of presentations, demonstrations, and collaborative discussions, the culmination of URBANAGE's work at the expo brought together influential figures to chart the course for smarter, more sustainable age-friendly cities.

Day 1: EDIC – A Game Changer For Smart Communities

The inaugural day saw Roberto Di Bernardo from Engineering, a leading visionary in urban transformation and the coordinator of URBANAGE take to the central Agora to discuss URBANAGE in the context of EDIC (European Digital Infrastructure Consortium). His presentation resonated with a captivated audience as he delved into the core principles and transformative potential of disruptive technologies for more inclusive smart cities and explained how sharing lessons with each other will help in the replicability of new services and approaches. Roberto’s insights set a high bar for the subsequent days, emphasising the integration of technology, sustainability, and community engagement in urban development.

View Roberto's presentation

Day 2: Take-over of the European Commission Booth

Momentum surged on the second day as Silvia Urra Uriarte from Tecnalia, unveiled innovation concepts for age-friendly cities at the EC booth. Her presentation focused on how cities are leveraging technology to create efficient, interconnected urban environments for more inclusive living. Following her talk, a live hands-on demonstration featuring the practical planning applications developed by the pilot cities was hosted at the stand for two hours, sparking enthusiasm among attendees and stakeholders. Delegates were encouraged by Marine Luc from AGE Platform Europe to complete a short survey about their interest in URBANAGE project.

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View Silvia's presentation

Day 2: Transforming Cities Through AI

Later in the afternoon, Patricia Molina from Tecnalia, a respected authority on policy and governance in urban development, contributed to a thought-provoking thematic roundtable discussion. Her insights shed light on the crucial role of age-friendly policy frameworks in translating innovative ideas into tangible changes within urban landscapes, sparking conversations on the synergy between technology and governance.


Day 3: Disrupting Digital Services: A Tipping Point for Urban Life 

The finale of the URBANAGE series at the Smart City Expo World Forum witnessed Susie Ruston McAleer from 21c, a dynamic advocate for community engagement in digital transformation, presenting at the Congress. Her impassioned address emphasized the importance of inclusivity and community involvement in shaping the future of more liveable, healthy cities where people can grow old with autonomy and social capital. Susie’s emphasis on the human aspect within the realm of technological advancements as demonstrated by Flanders, Helsinki, and Santander resonated profoundly, inspiring a call to action for collaborative efforts towards more people-centric urban development.


View Susie's presentation

In addition to all the presentations, URBANAGE handed out over 200 copies of its Lessons Learned factsheet for urban planning transformation, as well as information postcards. The multi-day final event not only showcased the expertise, solutions, and diversity within the URBANAGE initiative but also fostered an environment of collaboration, where thought leaders, innovators, and policymakers all had the opportunity to contribute to the debate around age-friendly cities.

The Consortium will follow up with all the contacts made during the week, and look forward to sharing the final Policy Brief from the project with audiences soon. To receive a first copy of the brief sign up using the form in the footer below. In the meantime enjoy our gallery of images from SCEWC 23.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.

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