Accessibility issues and needs that were identified
providing means for older adults to participate in urban planning;
solve accessibility/mobility issues by collecting, visualising and sharing relevant, up to date and area specific data to inform decision making;
create datasets of interesting and enjoyable places to assist in future planning efforts;
measuring travel-time in Helsinki region considering needs of older citizens.
Solutions to these needs will be piloted with the following three use cases:
feedback on accessibility issues - piloted in Vuosaari
point of Interest - piloted in Vuosaari
travel-Time Matrix - piloted in the whole metropolitan area
Accessibility issues and needs that were identified
providing means for older adults to participate in urban planning;
solve accessibility/mobility issues by collecting, visualising and sharing relevant, up to date and area specific data to inform decision making;
create datasets of interesting and enjoyable places to assist in future planning efforts;
measuring travel-time in Helsinki region considering needs of older citizens.
Solutions to these needs will be piloted with the following three use cases:
feedback on accessibility issues - piloted in Vuosaari
point of Interest - piloted in Vuosaari
travel-Time Matrix - piloted in the whole metropolitan area
technology approach
architecture. integration. platform

technology approach
Article in Journal - under writing
S. Urra-Uriarte , P. Molina-Costa, . U. Martin, K. Herranz and A. Glodeanu. Age Friendliness neighbourhood index, as a long-term urban planning tool.
Relevance to URBANAGE: The process followed to define the Age Friendly Neighbourhood Index is explained in this article, building it from the URBANAGE Age Friendly Indicators Framework. This index has been used in the project to measure the age-friendliness of the different neighbourhoods of the city and to establish the baseline for the use of the DT as a term urban planning tool.
SPRINGER BOOK - under writing
21c, AIV, Decide Better: Open and Interoperable Local Digital Twins
Relevance to URBANAGE: URBANAGE pilots are used as a case study in multiple chapters as a Local Digital Twin use case. The manuscript will be submitted Easter 2024.
Article in Journal - under writing
A. Villanueva-Merino, S. Urra-Uriarte , J. L. Izkara , S. Campos-Cordobes , P. Molina-Costa and A. Aranguren. Leveraging city digital twins for advancing urban accessibility and age-friendly environments.
Relevance to URBANAGE: This article explains the potential of Local Digital Twin as a useful tool for planning age-friendly cities.
BOOK - under writing
ENG, Guidance for the Integration of Digital Twins in Data Spaces
Relevance to URBANAGE: The URBANAGE Ecosystem platform is used as a case study to investigate potential integration of Digital Twins with Data Spaces and their related exploitation (in the URBANAGE case concerning age friendly cities). The manuscript will be submitted by the end of 2024..
Article in Journal - under writing
C. Fink, W. Klumpenhouwer, R. Pereira, H. Tenkanen. r5py: Rapid Realistic Routing with R5 in Python
Relevance to URBANAGE: This article describes the tool that was used to calculate the Travel Time Matrix for the Helsinki Use Case in URBANAGE project.
Article in Journal - under review
E. Willberg, C. Fink, R. Klein, R. Heinonen, T. Toivonen. Green or short: choose one’ - a comparison of green everyday travel in 43 European cities
Relevance to URBANAGE: This article compares walking accessibility and travel environment greenness during walking in 43 large European cities, which is topical for the URBANAGE project.
Article in Journal - under review
C. Fink, E. Willberg, R. Klein, V. Heikinheimo, T. Toivonen. A travel time matrix for the Helsinki region 2023 sensitive to time, mode and interpersonal differences
Relevance to URBANAGE: This article describes the Helsinki Travel Time Matrix datasets, which is a contribution to the Helsinki Use Case by UH-DGL in URBANAGE project.
Conference Papers
Relevance to URBANAGE: The Age-Friendly Route Planner (AFRP) was developed within URBANAGE. The aim was to offer a new route planning algorithm designed for older citizens as conventional or public route planners don't take key factors into account. Amongst the key factors, we remind: resting places, toilets, drinking water spots, handrails or vertical mobility infrastructure.
Relevance to URBANAGE: The mobility and infrastructural planning approach named Isochrone Overlapping that is proposed in this paper was developed within URBANAGE to help urban planners locate the most suitable location to build new services regarding the Age-Friendliness Index.
Relevance to URBANAGE: Paper holds significant relevance for URBANAGE as it addresses the increasing complexity of geospatial data in cities. It highlights the potential of Microsoft PowerBI for data analytics and decision-making using 3D city information models, aligning with URBANAGE's data-driven approach to urban planning. The paper's focus on data integration and dashboards can assist URBANAGE in translating diverse data sources into actionable insights for designing age-friendly, inclusive, and sustainable cities.
Relevance to URBANAGE: This work presents preliminary results of a framework that combines graph modeling and meta-heuristic optimization to inform decision-makers in urban planning when deciding how to regenerate urban spaces taking into account pedestrian accessibility for older people in urban areas.
ArticleS in JournalS
Relevance to URBANAGE: Smart City and Digital Urban Twin technology relies heavily on data availability. In this peer-reviewed research article, we discuss how data on vulnerable population groups, in particular older people, can be obtained in an ethical and co-creative way.
Relevance to URBANAGE: This study compares methodologies of mapping greenness in urban environments. Greenness is a strong predictor of walking and cycling pleasantness. This study was carried out in the early stages of URBANAGE.
Relevance to URBANAGE: The article proposes a methodological framework for measuring accessibility in ways that take into account both environmental sustainability and social equity, which is topical for URBANAGE project.
Relevance to URBANAGE: This paper presents a new framework that combines multi-objective optimization with a graph model that aims to support urban planning and management to enhance age-friendly cities by improving the accessibility and reducing noise and/or air pollution through the installation of urban elements (ramps and escalators, elevators, acoustic and vegetation panels), while considering the overall economic cost of the installation.
Relevance to URBANAGE: It explains all the processes followed to reach the URBANAGE Age Friendly Neighbourhood index, starting with the definition of the indicators.
Relevance to URBANAGE: This paper on digital twins is highly relevant to URBANAGE as it explores the transformative potential of digital twin technology in urban planning. It addresses critical aspects such as data integration, autonomous updating, and citizen engagement, aligning with URBANAGE's mission to create inclusive and data-driven urban ecosystems. The paper's insights on the convergence of diverse city data for better decision-making directly contribute to URBANAGE's goal of developing age-friendly, sustainable cities.
Relevance to URBANAGE: Older people rely on active transport modes at an over-proportionate level, as their everyday trips typically are shorter and many decide to give up driving. Besides walking, cycling has come into the focus of an urban sustainability transformation. We had the chance to participate in an internationally standardised survey on cyclist perception; this article is reporting our findings from Finland. This study was carried out in an early stage of the URBANAGE project and was designed to inform the later research; the co-creative process and the co-design of the URBANAGE themes in the focus groups meant a shift away from cycling and towards walking and public transport. Nevertheless, this article is an integral part of the early-stage URBANAGE project.
Relevance to URBANAGE: In this research article, we investigate how much influence personal factors have on accessibility to everyday services. In particular, we look at how much access to grocery stores is impacted if travel time models assume the walking speed of older people, and in winter conditions. Both assumptions are rooted in findings from the URBANAGE focus groups.
Relevance to URBANAGE: The framework described in the paper was partially incorporated into the URBANAGE project to maximize the successful participation of older adults. Steps applied in UR are mentioned (e.g. figure 5).
E. Willberg, C. Fink, T. Toivonen. Towards equitable 20-minute neighbourhoods.
Relevance to URBANAGE: In this article, we link the much-discussed concepts of 20-minute neighbourhoods/15-minute cities to a discussion around equity considerations concerning age: accessibility in the city does not work equally well for all of its residents, in particular for older people.
Planning cities for our “future” selves” by Silvia Urra Uriarte, Tecnalia
Other articles
Relevance to URBANAGE: URBANAGE is mentioned as an example of a project that illustrates how STEM can be combined with IT to improve the life of the elderly.
policy briefs
Relevance to URBANAGE: It presents the work done in the URBANAGE project and more specifically Case Study no 2.
Relevance to URBANAGE: It presents the work done in the URBANAGE project.