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URBANAGE to Improve Reporting and Response of Escalator Incidents

Writer's picture: URBANAGEURBANAGE

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

One of the elevation systems most appreciated in the world is certainly that of the escalators. They become essential in all the biggest structures such as airports, hospitals, and shopping centers, where thousands of people flock daily. From the first prototype, built in 1859 by Nathan Ames, so many gains are made, finally obtaining state-of-the-art systems. These implants provide design, maintenance, and installation to guarantee high performance and security during their cycle of life.

In the URBANAGE project, which takes care to improve the lives of old people, through innovative technologies, the escalators are taken into account, being one of the city infrastructures that can facilitate mobility of older adults. During the project, a simulator of incidents on escalators has been developed. The component generates fictitious malfunctions on public escalators, which related information (e.g. location) are

retrieved form the City Information Model (CIM) components. This information (data about the escalators and their related incidents) are managed though the Context Broker, so enabling the possibility to leverage real-time notifications for third applications (e.g. the Age Friendly Route Planner).

This component aims to support the municipalities to investigate and understand potential

malfunctions on these kind of infrastructures and how they affect mobility, as well as what

functionalities or data would be useful and what information related to malfunctions should be monitored, also with the future perspective of implementing a real system to manage these problems.

The generator of incidents on escalators creates a chronology of malfunctions, reading and

updating the status of the escalator. Particularly, it permits setting an escalator from working

status to broken and, at the same time, creating the corresponding entity "incident", which will follow its own life cycle (e.g. new, under maintenance, solved, etc.).

From the collection of the generated data, it is possible to evaluate usefulness of different

functionalities related to the management of escalators and the planning of investments (e.g. real time alerts, programmed maintenance, identification of contingency plans, etc.).

Urbanage Platform Screendhot



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.

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