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Urbanage Gets Closer to People on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Laura Gavrilut

Every year on the 15th of June, we celebrate the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). To mark the importance of this day, Santander City Council, pilot partner in the URBANAGE project, developed a series of activities in front of the Santander City Hall and in the civic centres across the city of Santander, all dedicated to senior citizens and any other interested stakeholders. Amongst the highlights of the event that took place in the City Hall square we remind a caricature service and a concert by the Choral Group of Fishing District.

At the City Hall, URBANAGE project carried out a workshop where all the passers-by were invited to the stand and offered the opportunity to test the URBANAGE app. More specifically, they were asked to test Use Case 1 - Age-Friendly Route Planner implemented as a mobile phone App. Feedback on the user interface and on the functionalities that this use case provides was collected. This feedback will be passed on to the technical partners and will be used as an input in the impact and acceptance assessment as well as in the technical validation with end-users. The outcome will be the second release of the URBANAGE ecosystem.

During the workshop, the participants were also asked which are the main difficulties they face when moving around the city and which urban furniture they miss during their daily walking routes.

The workshop concluded with many thanks from the participants side and praises towards the municipality. They all appreciated the effort made by the municipality to setup a good urban mobility infrastructure as escalators and ramps. Furthermore, benches and public toilettes were amongst the most highly valued amenities. These results were very interesting and supported the main conclusions obtained in previous workshops.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.

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