URBANAGE has published its 'Use Case Implementation and Validation Plan' deliverable which outlines the first use cases for each of the pilot sites/regions. A synopsis from each site is provided below.
Santander, Spain
The goal of Santander's first use case is to provide more comfortable routes for older adults by developing an age-friendly route planner. The comfortable route app considers different variables along potential routes, such as the conditions of the streets, potential obstacles, urban furniture, noise, and temperature, and makes suggested journey alterations to its user according to their needs. The intention is to make it easier for people to travel around the city. Developed in cocreation workshops with older adult citizens, civil servants and politicians, the route planning solution will also include incident warning notifications, and will share results with the city for insights into the barriers that help prevent people accessing specific areas. This information will hep city officials better manage urban operations.
The core of the second use case is a local digital twin simulation tool for long-term urban planning, addressing public administrations, civil servants, politicians, the older people ́s community, companies and other private organisations. The solution will simulate future planning scenarios and look at the impact on different aspects of the city. Features plan to include an age-friendliness index, multicriteria analysis, the prioritisation of areas to be investigated, and access to urban planning info.

Flanders, Belgium
The Flanders region has an existing Digital Twin and will focus its efforst on two main use cases. In the first case, a Green Comfort index will be defined for older citizens. The index is designed for supplementing city data (e.g. air quality, noise, traffic) with crowdsourced information on how green a particular spot or place in the city is and how it works for the older adult. For example does a bus stop have shade, seating, good air quality. The green comfort index score will be presented by 2D and 3D interfaces and will have a gamification element inbuilt to encourage participation.
The second case focuses on the improvement of local decision-making processes by creating useful and accessible datasets for age-freiendly innovation (e.g. age distribution and the distribution of people with a reduced physical mobility). These data layers can be easily combined with existing datasets and models or data driven applications.

Helsinki, Finland
Helsinki will focus on a use case centered around collecting accessibility-related feedback, generated by citizens using physical IoT-devices and/or a browser-based feedback interface. The procedure and the IoT devices are designed in an age-friendly way. The resulting data will be visualised on alive, customisable browser-based map views.
The second Helsinki case is complimentary to the first case with the difference that specific Point of Interest data concerning pleasant/enjoyable zones for older people will be gathered. Data visualisation and management methods will be fine-tuned together with city officials.
The third Helsinkicase focuses on updating and iterating the existing Travel-time matrix for the Helsinki metropolitan area. The current version was developed in 2018 and doesn't take into account the needs and requirements of older people. Attribute data will be added, regarding the accessibility of senior citizens.

To see how the use cases will be implemented and validated, check our Deliverable D6.1 Use Case Implementation and Validation Plan at Deliverables | Urbanage