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Older People Matter: All Public Policies Should Consider Aging

Writer's picture: Susie RustonSusie Ruston

Conclusions from the Council of the European Union recommend mainstreaming aging in all public policies - published March 2021.

Urbanage is pleased to read the conclusions on 'Mainstreaming Ageing in Public Policies' adopted by the Council of the European Union on the 12th March 2021. As a project dedicated to ensuring older people are included in the design of urban areas for aging well, we particularly welcome the following excerpts:

  • 23. The European Pillar of Social Rights aims at bringing fairness to and at supporting every citizen’s daily life, at all ages, through equal opportunities and access to the labour market, fair working conditions and adequate social protection and inclusion. Many of its principles are key to supporting active ageing policies and the equal participation and involvement of older people in our economies and societies.

  • 24. The Commission adopted the Strategy on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities aiming to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in order to ensure the full social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities, including older people, in society, free from discrimination and full respect of their rights.

  • 27. PROMOTE coherent, coordinated and transversal public policies in order to respond to the complexity of the challenges and opportunities that longevity presents, allowing smooth transitions over the life cycle;

  • 28. ENSURE a transversal and lifelong approach to longevity, based on human rights, taking into account gender equality aspects and involving all relevant stakeholders in the public, private and third sectors as well as the target groups. Envisage an approach that encompasses the needs of people of all ages, inter alia considering that old age well-being starts early in life.

  • 33. COMMIT to foster active and healthy ageing, and full integration of older people into society and into the community.

  • 39. SUPPORT sustainable urban and rural planning that promotes mobility, based on universal design, safety, convenience and well-being, and facilitates participation in social life for older people and access to all necessary services and infrastructure, taking into account their specific individual needs;

  • 40. PROMOTE the development of public transport networks accessible to all citizens, with routes that are appropriate to the needs of older people, in order to ensure their full mobility;

  • 58. CONTINUE to develop reliable and internationally comparable indicators for measuring the well-being of older people in all policy fields within the Committees’ remit à linked with the framework of indicators...

We will be championing these principles through our research, innovation and collaborations and strongly encourage all cities and public administrations to do the same. We also pledge our support to our Consortium Partner Age Platform Europe on their proposal for an EU Age Equality Strategy.



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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.

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