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innovation. research. transformation


The URBANAGE project has been specifically designed to ensure older people are included in the digital transformation of urban planning systems through the use of new technologies including Digital Twins. Its main and specific objectives include: 


Main Objective

To assess the potential benefits, risks and impact of implementing a long-term sustainable framework for data-driven decision-making in the field of urban planning for aging well in cities, by means of an engagement strategy with relevant stakeholders and users, supported by disruptive technologies such as urban digital twins, big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and gamification.


Public Speaker

Objective 1

To understand the implications (including potential benefits, risks, social impact, and acceptance) and requirements from the end-user’s perspectives (public servants and senior citizens) of using disruptive technologies for evidence-based decision-making and enhanced governance in urban planning for age-friendly environments, including their ethical and legal consequences.

Designing on a Tablet

Objective 2

To integrate disruptive technologies such as urban digital twins, big data analysis, and artificial intelligence in an Ecosystem of tools designed to support public decision-making and services provided in urban planning for age-friendly environments.

city buildings

Objective 3

To validate the URBANAGE Ecosystem in 3 use cases (Helsinki, Santander and Flanders region), and evaluate its implementation with end-users to extract lessons for replication.

Business Brainstorming

Objective 4

To develop a viable business model to ensure the long-term sustainability of the URBANAGE Ecosystem and tools and pave the way for market uptake.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.



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