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disruptive tech. urban planning. age friendly cities

URBANAGE is European initiative focused on helping urban planners and policy makers harness the power of new technologies for more inclusive, evidence based decisions.  

As Europe faces an oncoming demographic shift where its urban populations will consist of a higher proportion of older adults, the need for cities to offer better services for happy and healthy aging is crucial.  

URBANAGE supports the development of age-friendly cities through the roll-out of a new decision-support ecosystem, co-created by relevant stakeholders (public servants) and users (older adults).

The innovative ecosystem will bring together peoples needs and city data with new technologies including Big Data analysis, and Artificial Intelligence modelling and simulation algorithms, all accessed via Local Digital Twins with online Gamification features for enhanced engagement purposes. 


Based on a thorough understanding of users’ needs, the ecosystem (tools, and co-creation) will be validated by piloting use-cases in three local planning systems in Europe (Helsinki, Santander, and Flanders).

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004590.This website represents the views of the URBANAGE project only.  Read our Terms & Conditions.

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